Ms. Eschen

Ms. Eschen

Welcome to PE class! I am SO excited to be here at Niagara Charter School.

My journey started at The College at Brockport, where I studied Physical Education and Coaching for 4 years while playing field hockey and being on the PE board. I was female scholar athlete of the year as well as being athlete of the week and ended up 10th all time scoring. I am a huge family person and am the youngest of 4. My siblings all do amazing things and add so much to this world and to my life. My mom was the best teacher I ever had and my dad was a coach which is the reason I do what I do today.

After college, I was a collegiate field hockey assistant coach for 2 years while substitute teaching in 4 districts. I knew I loved kids and wanted to work in an elementary school since that is one of my passions, so I moved to Northern Virginia where I built a PE program at a school very similar to NCS for 4 years. I then wanted to continue spreading my love for teaching Physical Education and was the first ever virtual program PE teacher for Fairfax County Public Schools. I started 2022 off at a Catholic school after moving to Buffalo and was a PE teacher, computer teacher, and 4th grade teacher before coming here in January 2023. My other passion is coaching field hockey, which I have been coaching since 2015 through clinics, high school teams, travel teams, individual coaching sessions, and currently as assistant coach at Starpoint high school.

I am so excited to teach physical, mental, and emotional health and spread my love and care to our students at NCS and make them the best people they can be in this world while encouraging a love for lifelong physical activity. 

Please feel free to reach out anytime

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